
Making my time count

I have days where I am inspired and willing to get through all my tasks and work on projects that mean something to me, despite working a 9 hour day plus commute. Other days I just get home and sit around until it’s time to go to bed, which lately is ~22:30h.

I am fully aware of how quick the days go by, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the office. There’s so much I want to do and learn. I am so overwhelmed that I abandon projects before starting. But the time will pass anyway, and wouldn’t I rather be able to say in a few years time that I have come x far vs. nothing at all?

A few of the things I want to do:

  • [Re]Learn front end web dev.
  • Practice my Mandarin.
  • Begin writing.
  • Apply to start a second degree. I have not decided if that’s going to be in Politics or English, and of course if I could (and I might) do both, that would be excellent.
  • Launch an online course to go along with my online business.
  • Get my health together: proper cooked meals, meditation, commit to one form of exercise weekly.
  • Finally give up social media and pick up more books instead.

I will inevitably continue adding to this. One of my priorities from this list is my health and web dev. I can’t do it all, but I can definitely commit to at least a few of these projects this year. This is my progress log.